Insight from our new Employee

Ellen Swarbrick studied International Business with German at the University of Birmingham. She has held roles as an Energy and Carbon Consultant, before joining NovAzure in August at a Business Analyst. 

Can you please tell us about yourself and why you decided to apply for NovAzure?

I have worked in the energy industry since graduating in 2019, first as an oil & gas market analyst in Vienna, Austria and then as a Carbon and Energy Consultant in Manchester, England. Working in the industry when the COVID-19 pandemic hit and oil prices crashed was exciting to say the least, but more importantly I experienced first-hand the mindset shift in companies, governments and investors alike towards the energy transition.

NovAzure’s clients are at the centre of this energy transition. From innovations in batteries to liquid cooling technologies for data centres, helping start-ups commercialise their low-carbon technologies is not only crucial to decarbonisation of industries, but also an area NovAzure has a great track record in. This was the main reason I chose to apply to the role.

Why did you choose to apply to NovAzure over a larger consultancy firm?

So as not to be “a small cog in a large wheel”. I heard this saying over and over again as a new graduate, but it really is true. As one of two business analysts at NovAzure, I am responsible for several key client deliverables. Already in my first month at NovAzure, I presented some of my work to one of the firm’s clients. In addition, I am working one-on-one with several of NovAzure’s associate partners who all have years of experience in energy, mobility and innovation and are considered top of the game. Nowhere else would you get these levels of responsibility, exposure and personal development.

What is a typical day in the life of a Business Analyst at NovAzure?

9:00-9:30 – I start my day with catch-up with the managing director of NovAzure. In this meeting, we discuss all the tasks I completed before, as well as my planned activities for the following week. The discussion helps me to align my priorities to company needs, as well as seeing where I have spare capacity. I can also use this time to raise any questions or concerns I have.

09:30-11 – One of my key responsibilities is to maintain and expand a pricing tool NovAzure has developed for one of its clients. By improving the tool, we can continue to deliver value to the client.

11-12 – I am working on an internal project, looking at a new potential service offering. I spend this hour conducting market research which I will be presenting to a board of associate partners later in the month.

12:30 – 14:30 – After lunch, I spend time catching up with my team on a project we are working on. We discuss how we can enhance our client’s delivery process. I find these sessions beneficial, as NovAzure associate partners have strong experience in strategy consulting.

14:30 – 15:30 – I conduct industry research on the aviation sector for a business proposal.

15:30 – 17:30 – I complete any urgent tasks for the day, before writing my to-do list for tomorrow.

Thank you, Ellen, for answering some questions and giving an insight into yourself and your experience working at NovAzure so far. Linked here is Ellen’s LinkedIn page if you want to reach out.

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