Setting up and commercialising a digital services start-up for a global energy corporation

Shell is a global energy company that is looking at new opportunities for creating sustainable and digital business models in the energy and mobility space. 

On-demand mobility has been growing rapidly and has now transformed into a fast-growing industry and a new business model that is pursued by OEMs, car dealerships and other companies in the mobility and energy sector as a new business model.

Shell is pursuing a strategy to set up and run internally built start-up activities to follow a key strategic initiative to explore how existing offers and Shell assets can be transformed to serve these new mobility customer types.

How We Helped

NovAzure has supported Shell with the creation of an internal start-up in the ‘Mobility and Maintenance as a Service’ space, assessed the business model and new digital offering, and helped to set up pilot activities in Malaysia and Europe.

NovAzure also played a key role to identify the right changes to the business model to increase the value and scalability.

NovAzure is a key part of the expansion phase, supporting the customer for business and price modeling, commercial due diligence, tender negotiation process, implementing the respective service/software offerings and eventually expanding Shell’s ecosystem across the maintenance industry and startup scene.

The Value We Created

NovAzure provided Shell with significant experience to review early operational activities and build an improved commercial model.

By suggesting the right business model pivots and aligning digital strategies NovAzure helped to secure the next stages for Shell to internally fund and eventually launch the startup into the market.

Shell has found value in NovAzure being able to execute the implementation of suggested strategies by guiding the digital development and operational teams.

This has been done in an agile, hands-on and customer-centric start-up fashion which has ensured a quick and cost-effective approach.

During this time Shell has benefitted from being connected to NovAzure’s mobility ecosystem around start-ups, other corporates and investors across Europe.

At NovAzure, we help our clients decarbonise and adapt to the rapidly evolving on-demand mobility industry. If you are looking to transform existing offers and assets to meet the needs of new mobility customers, reach out to Christopher Gruen at

Want to know more? Talk to us!

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