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Climate change is perhaps the greatest danger faced by humanity threatening people with food and water scarcity, increased flooding, extreme heat, more disease and economic loss.

Corporates Must Navigate This Potentially Confusing Environment

Corporates need to respond to the Climate Challenge by making their own Net Zero journey.

NovAzure uses a strategic approach to support corporate clients to leverage innovation to fast-track their Net Zero journey and unlock new business models / value.

NovAzure also has a comprehensive range of Continuing Professional Development (CPD)-registered Net Zero training designed to support C-Suites and their teams to get a firm handle on the facts of climate change, the legislative environment requirements and unlocking the business opportunities of Net Zero.

Companies are under pressure to respond from 4 different angles

The Net Zero Journey Response is an Opportunity

Net Zero Academy

Corporate Innovation

Corporate Implementation

Legislation & NGOs
What framework do I follow?
When do I start?
How do I take advantage of disruption?

Our Net Zero Corporate Journey Offers

Where do I start?

See what our customers say



“In a very short space of time NovAzure has become a key partner for Marubeni in Europe. As part of our strategy to build partnerships and new business models focused on the future of mobility Chris Gruen has proactively provided market insight and introductions to some of the most exciting start-ups in this space.”

– Giles Delafeld, Chief Digital Officer

“Chris and his network has been a great entry point for opportunities, mainly on the area of Hydrogen and Smart Cities, which has allowed EDF R&D team to reach new partners. Recently, with Urbanomy (the new EDF consultancy venture for Urban and Energy Planning) we are focusing on local projects and innovative technologies to address the Net Zero strategy implementation within cities and regions”

– Benjamin Mousseau, CTO & Partnerships

“Chris and the team from NovAzure have become a trusted advisor to Artelia UK. Through their advisory service they have given us the confidence to reposition our programme team’s business model.”

– Matthew Buntine, Director