This $35Bn global market will see strong growth of 23.5% CAGR over the next 5 years, driven by electric vehicles adoption, rapid changes in battery technology/ costs, and increasing demand for battery energy storage. 90% of BESS growth to 2030 is expected to be for front-of-meter uses. Growth challenges include raw materials, improving energy density and stricter environmental regulation.

Meeting these challenges requires innovative approaches, e.g. immersion & indirect liquid cooling. We collaborate with industry stakeholders to optimise market strategies, harness growth potential and accelerate the industry’s contribution to Net Zero emissions.

How to reduce dependencies of rare materials?

How to make batteries safer?

How to meet growing battery lifespan and quick charging demands?

How to promote circular economy and manage recycling?

How to establish local production capacities?


Safety remains a significant challenge and a commercial opportunity. With tighter regulations around battery performance for planning applications, fire safety & insurance, technologies like immersion cooling of batteries can offer promising solutions.

We focus on identifying opportunities and support innovators to bring to market innovative technologies & solutions that address safety concerns & facilitate strong growth of higher-performance, higher-margin battery market segments.

How to reduce dependencies of rare materials?

How to make batteries safer?

How to meet growing battery lifespan and quick charging demands?

How to promote circular economy and manage recycling?

How to establish local production capacities?


Research and development in solid-state batteries and advanced chemistries like sodium iron can significantly improve energy density and lifespan. Alongside cell chemistries advancement, other innovations such as new battery cooling technologies can significantly enhance fast charging performance and lifespan.

We help clients to navigate the ecosystem of innovations and match them with the most suitable market applications across the mobility and stationary storage sector. 

How to make batteries safer?

How to meet growing battery lifespan and quick charging demands?

How to promote circular economy and manage recycling?

How to establish local production capacities?

How to reduce dependencies of rare materials?


Through the right battery design and commercial models, battery OEMs can guarantee low disassembly costs and increased resale value of used batteries leveraging secondary-use markets and then eventually, into efficient end-of-life recycling.

We can help battery OEMs and recycling partners to find the right connections in a growing re-use market and advise them how to incorporate the right technical and commercial requirements to retain maximum value across the full battery life cycle.

How to make batteries safer?

How to meet growing battery lifespan and quick charging demands?

How to promote circular economy and manage recycling?

How to establish local production capacities?

How to reduce dependencies of rare materials?


Geopolitical tensions are creating challenges and opportunities to establish new battery production facilities and value chain ecosystems. Establishing local partnerships, tapping grant sources and collaborating with future off-takers are vital steps for success.

We can advise how to de-risk investments with robust business plans, by facilitating connections with collaboration partners across the value chain and assessing the potential of new markets.

How to make batteries safer?

How to meet growing battery lifespan and quick charging demands?

How to promote circular economy and manage recycling?

How to establish local production capacities?

How to reduce dependencies of rare materials?

Customer Stories

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Commercial Due Diligence in EV Charging Software

Commercial Due Diligence in EV Charging Software

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Creating business value through sustainability

Creating business value through sustainability

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