How to turn Net Zero innovation into business opportunities?

Is your company struggling with producing new green offers? Each business line may have ideas to meet net zero requirements, but without a coherent strategy, these ideas go undeveloped. Innovation hackathons and cross-functional activities can bridge these gaps. They foster synergy, break down silos, and ensure early buy-in, transforming great ideas into actionable strategies.

How to convert an innovative idea into a commercial success?

Maximizing co-innovation value requires fair facilitation ideally by a neutral party, ensuring startups and corporates operate on equal footing and fulfil promises. Open communication leverages startup networks for R&D and new commercial partnerships for Corporates while scalable client delivery is often taught in return.

How to partner successfully with external innovative ventures?

Many internal ventures fail or don’t even lift-off. Balancing risk philosophies between corporate and startup entities is challenging, as is overcoming resource constraints and maintaining startup agility. Getting the right balance of independence while leveraging corporate advantages requires tailored governance, policies, and interactions with business lines.

“Chris and his network has been a great entry point for opportunities, mainly on the area of Hydrogen and Smart Cities, which has allowed EDF R&D team to reach new partners. “

Benjamin Mousseau,

CTO & Partnerships at EDF

“By suggesting the right business model pivots and aligning digital strategies NovAzure helped to secure the next stages for Shell to internally fund and eventually launch the start-up into the market.”

Michael Fanning,

CEO at Shell Mobility Systems

“NovAzure was instrumental in making this innovation hackathon a success through thorough preparation, bringing market insight and providing excellent facilitation”

Davide Ferguson,

Head of Net Zero Innovation at EDF UK

Customer Stories

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Commercial Due Diligence in EV Charging Software

Commercial Due Diligence in EV Charging Software

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Creating business value through sustainability

Creating business value through sustainability

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