
Pricing Value Calculator

A state-of-the art ‘Value Calculator’ (VC) tool to compare the total cost of ownership of different innovative technologies and the value that you can generate for your customers.

NovAzure helps you to manage the full spectrum of IP, from patents to ‘know-how’ and ‘designs’.

Protecting your IP

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Customer Stories

Customer Story

Enhancing a Liquid Cooling Solution Provider’s Business Model and Market Reach Through Value-Led Approach

Iceotope develops an innovative precision liquid cooling solution provider for data centres and helps them reduce carbon emission from cooling.

Customer Story

Securing Investments for a Sustainable
Transport Vision

CityQ creates weather protected electric four-wheeled
bike, designed for efficient/sustainable travel & delivery.

Customer Story

Powering Up Battery Start-up with Expertise

Anodox provides high capacity, high power batteries, and IoT modules. Anodox faced challenges in securing.